GELATINE JAWS is a selection of poems and drawings by Anna McCarthy about violence against womxn, illustrated primarily by images of overgrowing plants as a symbol for overcoming physical and psychological trauma. The title references a poem by the same name where the victim describes how a dj dislocated her jaw in a nightclub. Trance-like, she repeats the word gelatine jawas if wishing her jaw (or even entire skeleton) could spring back into place as if nothing had occurred.
Release: Thursday, July 21, 7 pm at Galerie Sperling in Anna's ongoing exhibition Washing Cycle
14,8 x 21cm, 4c indigo print, stapled, 56 p.
unlimited edition
Gefördert mit Mitteln des „Sonderförderprogramms 20/21 NEUSTART KULTUR – Stipendium für freiberufliche bildende Künstler:innen“ des Stiftung Kunstfonds
ISBN: 978-3-947250-44-8
Unlimited Edition, English