Publication includes the complete screenplay of Laura Ziegler's puppet show, presented as a performance with Ruine München in July 2019 in Munich.
Ruine München is an independent/artist-run/not-for-profit exhibition series based in Munich and takes place at least four times per year on various venues. Instead of maintaining a permanent exhibition space we offer respectively one artist a budget for the production of a publication and a corresponding release event. We think of Ruine München as a platform to showcase artistic positions that are not (or to a lesser extent) object-oriented, like text production, research-based and performative practices. Ruine München is being operated autonomously but dependent on voluntary work, the distribution of its publications and the support of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich. Ruine München is run by Jan Erbelding, Leo Heinik and Maria VMier.
16 p., 4c offset, stapled, 11 x 21cm
ISBN: --